Products Engram Packaging Server

    Than the exquisite packaging is more important, to ensure drug, food, cosmetics, health and safety. From the yuan packaging quality packaging, with a rigorous professional testing, are widely used in OTC drugs, prescription drugs, health products, food ...

    The introduction of the latest German Heidelberg five-color printing machine. In our technology center,14powerful PC and apple computer can manage all the customers with the graphic file. We introduced the latest CTP plate, the short version of printing more efficient, clean, low cost ... ...

    Create value for customers, because they are the reason for our existence;To create benefits for their employees, because we need to reason;Create returns for shareholders, as they are the basis of our existence.

    In 1997, De Yuan packaging printing was born, from then until today,14 years, we have been efforts, and strive for customer mining more packaging value. We cherish every customer 's eyes, whether to admire or critical ...

  ►  2019-6-17 
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  ►  Salesmen of handbag printing m 2019-5-11 
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  ►  双铜与白卡纸手提袋区别 2019-4-17 
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